Flexible Work – Myth or Magic?

As we all trudge back to work (for those that have to) it has become increasingly clear, that not only do many individuals not want to trek into and out of offices on a daily basis, but that to attract and retain highly qualified and engaged employees, flexible work practices are a critical component.

Flexible work arrangements are no longer the domain of a single gender either. Recruiting diverse talent is crucial to growth and continued success of organisations and this ...

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Changes to WHS Laws in NSW

On 4 June 2020, a bill to amend the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) was passed in NSW Parliament and will start on the day it receives assent. A significant change relates to the Penalty system and is outlined below.

A Category 1 offence will now include “gross negligence” as an alternative to reckless conduct which will capture anyone engaging in conduct that exposes someone to the risk of death or serious harm.

Changes to Penalties

The change includes the introduction ...

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Why your employees are your best asset!

So, from the heading, it’s obvious I believe employees are an essential – no – critical part of any business success.

So here’s why I believe they are your greatest asset and this is based on my experiences in small, medium and large organisations.

First and foremost, they are your main link to your customer.  They can and should be able to identify your customers’ needs and potential trends as well as address any issues proactively and make suggestions on improvements based ...

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Recruit Better than Yourself!

BBC News asked some Chief Executives about the advice they wish they’d received when starting out and this revealed a few of their secrets for success.

However, it is the advice when it comes to recruiting that is interesting.

Harriet Green, the former CEO of Thomas Cook said: “Always surround yourself with people who are better than you. Whatever it is that you are not – surround yourself with them.”

There is no doubt that taking time to recruit well is essential to the success of any ...

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